The aim of this learning guide is to provide you with an introduction to human performance technology (HPT) concepts and standards, and then to link HPT to various aspects of Human Resources:
- Section 1 covers HPT concepts and standards in the workplace context and their relationship to HR.
- Section 2 provides you with an overview of the HPT landscape and the roles and competencies of performance consultants (HPT practitioners or HPT specialists).
The focus is on three essential questions:
- What is HPT and how do we relate it to improving performance?
- How do we apply the standards of HPT to our work?
- What requirements must the performance consultant satisfy in terms of the HPT landscape, roles and competencies to achieve impact?
Learning guide structure
This learning guide is structured as:
Section 1: Human Performance Technology concepts and standards
Section 2: Human Performance Technology landscape and roles and competencies of
performance consultants
Table of Content
Section 1: Human Performance Technology concepts and standards
1 Introduction 6
2 Definition and overview of Human Performance Technology 8
2.1 Holistic view 13
2.2 Quantifiable inhibitors 14
2.3 Performance should be achievable 14
2.4 Systems components 15
2.5 Foundation of performance 15
2.6 Alignment of performance 15
2.7 Structured approach 15
3 Standards of performance consulting 20
3.1 Overview of the ten international standards for PI 20
3.2 Principle standards 21
3.2.1 Performance standard 1: Focus on outcomes or results 22
3.2.2 Performance standard 2: Take a systemic view 23
3.2.3 Performance standard 3: Add value 24
3.2.4 Performance standard 4: Work in partnerships with clients and professionals 24
3.3 Process standards 25
3.3.1 Performance standard 5: Determine need and opportunity 26
3.3.2 Performance standard 6: Determine cause 32
3.3.3 Performance standard 7: Design solutions including implementation
and evaluation 35
3.3.4 Performance standard 8: Ensure solutions’ conformity and feasibility 37
3.3.5 Performance standard 9: Implement solutions 39
3.3.6 Performance standard 10: Evaluate results and impact 40
4 Conclusion
5 Self-assessment questions
6 Self-assessment checklist
Section 2: Human Performance Technology landscape, roles and competencies
1 Introduction 53
2 Performance and work landscape 54
2.1 System(s) view 55
2.2 Systematic approach 58
3 Process standards applied as Human Performance Technology methodology 60
3.1 The methodology explained 60
3.2 The methodology applied 61
4 Roles and competencies of the Human Performance Technology consultant 65
4.1 The role of the Human Performance Technology consultant 65
4.2 Ten guidelines for success as a Human Performance Technology consultant 68
4.3 Mistakes to avoid as a Human Performance Technology consultant 71
4.4 The competencies and behaviors in the Human Performance Technology
consultancy framework 72
4.4.1 The role of researcher 74
4.4.2 The role of professional 74
4.4.3 The role of change facilitator 75
4.4.4 The role of communicator 75
5 Application of Human Performance Technology in managing performance 78
6 Conclusion 89
7 Self-assessment questions 90
8 Self-assessment checklists 92
9 Additional reading 93
10 References 97
11 Internet resources/websites you may want to consult 98
About the author 99